open when...

0 opened letters
0 new letters


this is a community-driven repository of digital open when letters. an open when letter is a letter meant to be opened at a particular time or in a particular situation (i.e. open when sad, open when tired, open when you need a laugh). usually, open when letters are written between people who already know each other to keep in touch and feel close in the face of long distance separation. however, I think that the idea is still applicable to internet strangers - we may not know each other, but as fellow human beings, we can still send kindness and well-wishes to each other.

note: this is not meant to be a replacement for real-life human interaction! just a supplement perhaps.

getting started

welcome, internet friend! how are you feeling?

want some advice on how to navigate a particular feeling? you can that have been written by past site visitors.

want to provide emotional support to a fellow internet friend? you can for someone else to open. I find that the act of writing is immensely valuable in itself.

as of now, there are 0 opened letters (which another person has opened and signed, and now anyone can read) and 0 new letters (letters that have yet to be opened and signed).